Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案
1987 The Poetic Vision: An Exhibition of Painting, Calligraphy and Poetry by Wucius Wong and Pat Hui, 詩情畫意

Exhibition of Pat Hui's Works 87
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 The Poetic Vision: An Exhibition of Painting, Calligraphy and Poetry by Wucius Wong and Pat Hui, 詩情畫意 1 Document
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Wucius Wong · Pat Hui 87
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 The Poetic Vision: An Exhibition of Painting, Calligraphy and Poetry by Wucius Wong and Pat Hui, 詩情畫意 1 Document
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