(Fung Ping Shan Museum) International Ex-Libris Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 International Ex-Libris Exhibition 國際藏書票展 1 Document
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1991 Gaylord Chan Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 Gaylord Chan Exhibition 1 Document
Access level

Art Works of Ten Female Artists 91
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 Art Works of Ten Female Artists '91 現代女畫家十人展 '91 1 Document
Access level

CUHK Fine Arts Department Annual Exhibition 91
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 CUHK Fine Arts Department Annual Exhibition '91 香港中文大學藝術系九一年展 1 Document
Access level

Exhibition of Contemporary Lithography
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 Exhibition of Contemporary Lithography 世界版畫名作展 1 Document
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French Contemporary Art
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 Too French 太法國了 1 Document
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Hai Tien's Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 Hai Tien: A Brush with Heaven and Earth 趙海天畫展 1 Document
Access level

Personal Reference 8th March-Women Art 91
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 Art Works of Hong Kong Women Artists '91 香港女藝術家作品展 ‘91 1 Document
Access level

Printmaking Exhibition by Ha Bik Chuen
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1991 Printmaking Exhibition by Ha Bik Chuen 夏碧泉版畫展:圖騰神畫 1 Document
Access level