Being Minorities — Contemporary Asian Art (Set of 19 Photographs)
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Being Minorities: Contemporary Asian Art 強勢以外 — 亞洲當代藝術 1 Document
Access level

Being Minorities — Contemporary Asian Art (Set of 68 Photographs)
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Being Minorities: Contemporary Asian Art 強勢以外 — 亞洲當代藝術 1 Document
Access level

Chinese Abstraction and Beyond Exhibition at the Hong Kong Arts Centre
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Chinese Abstraction and Beyond Exhibition at the Hong Kong Arts Centre 意象之外大展: 藝術中心 1 Document
Access level

Exhibition of Mexican Prints 97
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Mexican Prints 墨西哥版畫 1 Document
Access level

Ha Bik Chuen—Sentient Beings: Solo Exhibition of Relief Prints
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Ha Bik-Chuen-Sentient Beings: Solo Exhibition of Relief Prints 夏碧泉「眾生相」版畫個展 1 Document
Access level

Hong Kong Art Industry Celebrating 1997 Handover
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Hong Kong Art Industry Celebrating 1997 Handover 香港美術界慶祝九七回歸 1 Document
Access level

Hong Kong Art Industry Celebrating Handover to China
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Hong Kong Art Industry Celebrating 1997 Handover 香港美術界慶祝九七回歸 1 Document
Access level

Ink Art Exhibition of Leung Kui Ting 97
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Leung Kui Ting: Black & White 梁巨廷:黑與白 1 Document
Access level

Reunion and Vision: Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1997
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Reunion and Vision: Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1997 回歸與展望:當代香港藝術 1997 1 Document
Access level

Ten Years of Ink Dimension 87-97
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Ten Years of Ink Dimension 87-97 墨象十年 87-97 1 Document
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The Changing Face of Ha Noi
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 The Changing Face of Ha Noi 河內新貌畫展 1 Document
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The First Academic Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 The First Academic Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art 首屆當代藝術學術邀請展 1 Document
Access level

The Handover: Painting and Calligraphy Collective Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 The Handover: Painting and Calligraphy Collective Exhibition 回歸雅集:書畫聯展 1 Document
Access level

Zheng Xiaoping Painting Exhibition 97 — Leaflet
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1997 Zheng Xiaoping Painting Exhibition 97 鄭小平九七畫展 1 Document
Access level