(Award Winners Exhibition) (1) 84
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1984 Urban Council Fine Arts Award Winners 市政局藝術獎獲獎者作品展 1 Document
Access level

(Award Winners Exhibition) (2) 84
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1984 Urban Council Fine Arts Award Winners 市政局藝術獎獲獎者作品展 1 Document
Access level

(Contemporary Hong Kong Art) Biennial Exhibition 85
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1985 Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 1985 當代香港藝術雙年展 1985 1 Document
Access level

(New Ideas on Ink) Four Artists Group Exhibition Taipei Fine Art Museum Su Ruiping Visiting Hong Kong 84
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1984 New Ideas on Ink 水墨新意 1 Document
Access level

Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1981 Hong Kong Modern Artists Joint Exhibition 香港現代藝術家聯展 1 Document
Access level

14 Artists New Image Painting Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1985 86' New Image 86'新意象 1 Document
Access level

1981 11
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1981 Hong Kong Photographic Institute 3rd Anniversary Exhibition 1 Document
Access level

1981 27
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1981 Wucius Wong's Paintings of the Yellow Mountain 王無邪黃山寫生作品 1 Document
Access level

3-D Set 88 Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1988 3-D Set: Second Sculpture Exhibition 立體創作會:第二回雕塑展 1 Document
Access level

39th National Day of the People's Republic of China Live Painting Demonstration 88
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1988 39th National Day of the People's Republic of China Live Painting Demonstration 中國三十九屆國慶會:即席示範書畫 1 Document
Access level

65 Years of British Painting 88
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1988 65 Years of British Painting 英國繪畫六十五年 1 Document
Access level

65 Years of British Painting Hong Kong - New York. Beijing. Shanghai. (1 of 2)
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1988 New York - Hong Kong. Hong Kong - New York 紐約-香港。香港 -紐約 1 Document
Access level

65 Years of British Painting Hong Kong - New York. Beijing. Shanghai. (2 of 2): Hong Kong. New York. Beijing. Shanghai. New York.
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1988 New York - Hong Kong. Hong Kong - New York 紐約-香港。香港 -紐約 1 Document
Access level

81 Award Winners' Artworks Exhibition 83 (1 of 2)
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1983 Urban Council Fine Art Award Winners 市政局藝術獎獲獎者作品展 1 Document
Access level

81 Award Winners' Artworks Exhibition 83 (2 of 2)
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1983 Urban Council Fine Art Award Winners 市政局藝術獎獲獎者作品展 1 Document
Access level

83 Contemporary Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1983 Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 1983 當代香港藝術雙年展 1983 1 Document
Access level