A Singular Imagination: Hung Tung
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 A Singular Imagination: Hung Tung 洪通的幻界 1 Document
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British Modern Sculpture
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 British Modern Sculpture Exhibition 英國現代雕塑 1 Document
Access level

Contemporary Prints from China
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Contemporary Prints from China 中國現代版畫 1 Document
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Cultural Relics from Dunhuang and Turfan (Art Gallery of the Hong Kong Chinese University) 87
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Cultural Relics from Dunhuang and Turfan 敦煌吐魯蕃文物 1 Document
Access level

Exhibition by Malaysian Painters 87
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Malaysia Selangor Ink Painting Exhibition 馬來西亞雪隆水墨畫會會展 1 Document
Access level

Exhibition of Pat Hui's Works 87
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 The Poetic Vision: An Exhibition of Painting, Calligraphy and Poetry by Wucius Wong and Pat Hui, 詩情畫意 1 Document
Access level

Forum on Arts Policy
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Forum on Arts Policy in Hong Kong 香港藝術政策論壇 1 Document
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Gems from Eight Artists Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Gems from Eight Artists Exhibition 八家十六珍展 1 Document
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Han Hsiangning's Exhibition (at the Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture)
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Han Hsiangning's Exhibition 韓湘寜作品展 1 Document
Access level

Hong Kong Artists' Guild 87
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Hong Kong Artists' Guild Inauguration Ball 香港藝術家聯盟成立晚會 1 Document
Access level

Hong Kong Artists' Guild Establishment Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Preview Exhibition of Hong Kong Artists' Guild's Fundraising Sale and Auction 香港藝術家聯盟籌款拍賣預展 1 Document
Access level

Hong Kong Artists' Guild
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Hong Kong Artists' Guild Inauguration Ball 香港藝術家聯盟成立晚會 1 Document
Access level

Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Exhibition 湖北省美術院作品展覽 1 Document
Access level

Joint Exhibition of Hong Kong Artists Organised by Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Joint Exhibition of Hong Kong Artists 香港美術家作品聯展 1 Document
Access level

Modern Art Collection
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Modern Art from the Collection of Mary and George Bloch 瑪麗及佐治.伯樂現代藝術珍藏 1 Document
Access level

Rhythm in So Man-Yee's Watercolour Painting
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 Rhythm In So Man-Yee's Watercolour Painting 蘇敏儀水彩展 水彩韻律 1 Document
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Sculpture Exhibition by Van Lau
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 The Art of Van Lau 文樓的藝術 1 Document
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The 16th Asian International Art Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 The 16th Asian International Art Exhibition 第十六屆亞洲國際藝術展 1 Document
Access level

The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society 29th Annual Exhibition
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society 29th Annual Exhibition 香港視覺藝術協會第29屆年展 2 Documents
Access level

The In-group Annual Painting Exhibition 87
Ha Bik Chuen Archive 夏碧泉檔案.1987 The In-group Annual Painting Exhibition 研畫會展 1 Document
Access level