Up Art Gallery Archive 阿普畫廊檔案
Opening Joint Exhibition 開幕聯展

1 文件
4 May 1990
New Force Added to the Art Coterie of the Harbour City—Up Art Gallery's Opening Joint Exhibition (newspaper clipping)
港都藝壇又添生力軍—阿普畫廊開幕聯展(剪報)4 May 1990

1 文件
6 May 1990
Modernist Passion and Artistic Expression (newspaper clipping)
現代派揮灑狂熱藝情(剪報)6 May 1990

1 文件
6 May 1990
New Force Added to the Art Scene of Kaohsiung—Up Art Gallery's Opening Joint Exhibition (newspaper clipping)
「阿普」開幕聯展—高雄畫廊添生力軍(剪報)6 May 1990