Exile and Banishment—The Indescribable Situation of Contemporary Taiwanese Art 流亡與放逐——當代台灣藝術總體的不可名狀之境
Exile and Banishment—The Indescribable Tomb of Contemporary Taiwanese Art (exhibition view at Up Art Gallery ), 流亡與放逐——當代台灣藝術總體的不可名狀之境(高雄阿普展覽現場)

Digitised from 3 x 5 colour photos.
There are wax pencil marks on the surface of the photos.
Title type
Access level
CHU Chia-Hua, 朱嘉樺,  HUANG Hung-Teh, 黃宏德,  KU Shih-Yung, 顧世勇,  LIEN Teh-Cheng, 連德誠,  MEI Dean-E, 梅丁衍,  TANG Huangchen, 湯皇珍
Publication/Creation date
1993 (Estimated)
Content type
event photograph/recording
Rights statement
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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.
Exile and Banishment—The Indescribable Tomb of Contemporary Taiwanese Art (exhibition view at Up Art Gallery ), 流亡與放逐——當代台灣藝術總體的不可名狀之境(高雄阿普展覽現場)
