Between Real and Unreal—A Joint Exhibition of Photography by Ben Yu, Chang Kuang-Ho, and Chen Shun-Chu 真假之間——游本寬、章光和、陳順築攝影聯展 1994/08/06-09/04
Good News! Machine-made Steamed Bread is Coming, 好消息!機器饅頭來了

This set of images is digitised from 4 x 6 colour photos.
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Mixed media
161.5cm x 106.5cm x 30 cm
Content type
artwork documentation, 
event photograph/recording
Collection Access/Use
Rights statement
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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.
Good News! Machine-made Steamed Bread is Coming, 好消息!機器饅頭來了

Application for Access to/Reproduction of Research Collections