Set of photographs documenting the exhibition 'Being Minorities: Contemporary Asian Art', including 7 photo documentations of individual artwork, each with their respective captions attached to the backside of the photographs.
These photographs, along with 68 other photographs (without captions attached) documenting the same exhibition, are found within a paper storage bag titled 'Being Minorities — Contemporary Asian Art' (強勢以外亞洲當代藝術) located on shelf 129 in Ha Bik Chuen's studio.
More materials related to the exhibition 'Being Minorities — Contemporary Asian Art' are available in both the digital collection and the library of Asia Art Archive.
All shelf numbers in Ha Bik Chuen's studio are allocated by the Asia Art Archive research team.
Being Minorities: Contemporary Asian Art (Set of 19 Photographs); 強勢以外:亞洲當代藝術 (19張照片)
Konstantin BESSMERTNY, 君士坦丁,  Montien BOONMA, มณเฑียร บุญมา,  Imelda CAJIPE-ENDAYA,  Sid Gomez HILDAWA,  Robert O'BRIEN, 白禮仁,  Chatchai PUIPIA, ชาติชาย ปุยเปีย,  Talha RATHORE,  Vivan SUNDARAM,  VU Dan Tan
Chinese - Traditional, 
artwork documentation, 
event photograph/recording
Being Minorities — Contemporary Asian Art (Set of 19 Photographs), 強勢以外 — 亞洲當代藝術 (19張照片)
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Being Minorities — Contemporary Asian Art (Set of 19 Photographs), 強勢以外 — 亞洲當代藝術 (19張照片)

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