This is the catalogue for Lin Fan’s solo exhibition. His calligraphic works are inscribed on wooden boards which are then used to cover the entire floor of the exhibition space. Thus, the exhibition can be likened to that of installation art. In doing this, Lin offers the viewers a new perspective to look at the traditional art of calligraphy while at the same time, explores the way through which calligraphy can be used to express a sense of space. The accompanying essays study the art of Lin Fan in the context of contemporary art and the art of Chinese calligraphy. A biography of the artist is included.

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


No of copies


Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

A Poetic Break-through - LIN Dongwei, 林東威

Tradition Within; Modern Without - Karen SMITH

Offscreen Voice - WANG Ying, 王影

The Exhibition of Lin Fan's Calligraphy Art
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The Exhibition of Lin Fan's Calligraphy Art, 林凡書藝外展