This is an article written on the joint exhibition featuring photographic works by 7 female artists, entitled Muse Gaze: Seven female photographers of a new generation, held at 1a Space, Hong Kong, in Novemver 2005.
FONG Man Yee Janet, 方敏兒,  FUNG Waiyan, 馮偉恩,  Vik LAI, 賴俊穎,  LAM Wai Kit, 林慧潔,  PANG Sinkwok Beatrix, 彭倩幗,  Sandy, 山地哈密瓜,  WONG Suk Ki, 黃淑琪
Chinese - Traditional
photography,  Hong Kong,  gender,  group exhibition
13 Nov 2005
Ming Pao Daily, 13 Nov 2005, p. D17
Seven Ways of Looking at the World by Seven Women, 七個女子七種觀世

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