The present publication was produced in conjunction with SENI: A Symposium. It provides a documentation of exhibitions and programmes held in this art festival which includes names of artists, as well as essays by Asian art critics, writers, academics and curators on the subject of 'Art and the Contemporary'.
CHUA Benghuat, 
Kim MACHAN, 金曼, 
Kengsen ONG, 
Rajeev S. PATKE, 
Paul RAE, 
art festival,  art writing,  group exhibition
Introduction - CHUA Benghuat
Home Fronts - Ahmad MASHADI
Moving Pictures - YAP Teckcheng June, 葉德晶
Gravity: Leap into the Void - Kim MACHAN, 金曼
City Art Project: Imaginings of the City - YAP Teckcheng June, 葉德晶
Insomnia48: The Death of the Exhibited Art Show - Kengsen ONG
Looking Critically: Perspectives and Propects
Deadweights of the Body Politic: Art, Space and the Contemporary - Paul RAE
SENI 2004 as process, product, and practice - Rajeev S. PATKE
SENI: Singapore 2004: Art & the Contemporary

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