'This is a report of the 'Research on the Development of Multi-disciplinary Arts in Hong Kong' commissioned by Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC). 'Multi-disciplinary Arts' is a term which is difficult to define. In contrast to other conventional arts forms such as painting, 'Multi-disciplinary Arts' not only concerns concept of 'arts' and 'medium', but also involves practices that get across and even get beyond and combine different arts media. Therefore, in the study of 'Multi-disciplinary Arts', not only should the work of so-called 'Multi-disciplinary Arts' be examined. the process of practising such arts should be investigated too. This involves the cultural contexts in which meaning is produced.
The research started by tracing the development of 'Interdisciplinary Arts' in the context of contemporary arts and cultural development by examining history of performing arts and art trends such as mixed media, total art and intermedia as well as applications of the arts in other disciplines. When investigating the current trends of 'Interdisciplinary Arts' in Hong Kong and its possible funding strategies in the future, a multi-perspective approach was employed in different aspects as follows.' - extracted from the summary section of the report
Chinese - Traditional
cultural policy,  Hong Kong,  cross-disciplinary practice
Report on 'Research on Interdisciplinary Arts in Hong Kong', 香港「跨界別藝術」研究報告

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