This is the catalogue for the joint exhibition of Irene Chou and Hon Chi-fun. Both of them are abstract painters and both are established artists in the realm of contemporary art. But with different media and techniques (Chou with Chinese ink and colours while Hon with Western materials), the two artists bring forth very different visual experiences in their paintings. Artists’ biographies are included.
本圖錄展示的是周綠雲與韓志勳舉辦聯展的作品。雖然這兩位知名的當代藝術家均以抽象風格見長,但兩者的創作媒介和技法卻迥然有別 (周綠雲的作品以水墨設色為主,而韓志勳則多採用西方素材),因此其作品所產生的視覺體驗亦截然不同。本圖錄亦載有兩名藝術家的簡歷。
zhou lyu yun han zhi xun jin zuo
Chinese - Traditional, 
painting,  gender,  group exhibition
Irene Chou & Hon Chi-Fun Recent Paintings, 周綠雲韓志勳近作

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