'Two forums were held in the course of the solo exhibitions of Choi Yan Chi. "The paths of inter-disciplinarity: being a local artist of Hong Kong," to take place at 1a Space (Nov 18), is targeted at current art students and young artists. Choi will deliver the narrative of her struggle as an artist growing up in Hong Kong and educated overseas. She will be joined by other artists and art critics to explore the many questions that confront a local artist. “The Practice of Art and the Practice of Criticism: a projective dialogue for art education in Hong Kong,” to take place at Para/Site Art Space (Nov 25), invites experienced practitioners in art criticism, art education and curatorship to dialogue with Choi on her “re-fabrication” at the PS gallery.' - excerpted from 1a space's website.
Chinese - Traditional
solo exhibition,  painting
Two Open Forums with Choi Yan Chi

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