This catalogue was published following the 'How to "See" Art' workshop and exhibition organized by 1aspace, Hong Kong. The workshop aimed at enhancing the ability of participants to appreciate and create art by introducing ways of seeing and interpretation. Artists and professionals of different specializations led 14 sessions from January to mid-April 2002, covering topics such as visual art appreciation, characteristics and development of each art medium, the dynamics of art space for development of art, and reading and writing art criticism. The workshop culminated in the Opening Discussion on 19 April and an exhibition from 20 April to 5 May. Workshop participants included art teachers, social workers involved in art education, undergraduate art students and art enthusiasts.
Includes critical writings by participants, images and descriptions of exhibited work, partial transcript of the seminar and conclusion by Francis Yu (both in Chinese only).
ru he kan dao yi shu
Chinese - Traditional, 
audience,  art criticism,  art education,  workshop,  conference,  group exhibition
Correlation of Characterization ans Story-telling - LAU Coe, 劉錦盈
How to 'See' Art, 如何「看到」藝術

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