Catalogue of Caroline Chiu's solo exhibition at He Xiangning Art Museum in 2006. Through the use of the 20 x 24 inch large format Polaroid camera, of which only ten original ones exist, the artist creates highly detailed unique images of Chinese cultural objects. 'In creating the photographic series in Caroline Chiu: Dreaming: A Chinese Wunderkammer, Caroline Chiu has chosen to depict objects invested with deep cultural connotations - goldfish, works in jade, specific types of flowers - and then arranged them in groups after the manner of the Wunderkammer, the 'wonder cabinet' beloved of European 17th-century intellectual, where personal collections of cultural and scientific curiosities were stored and displayed. Through this signature process the artist has been able to convey an eloquent sense of the viewpoint and the values of the traditional Chinese literati.' - extracted from the foreword.
Artist biography is provided in the catalogue.
本圖錄展示了趙汝賢於2006年在何香凝美術館舉辦個展的作品。她採用全球迄今僅有十部的寶麗萊即影即有相機,以20 x 24吋的巨大底片拍攝出無比清晰、獨一無二的文玩珍品影像。此書的前言提到:「趙汝賢的攝影一是以中國傳統的金魚、玉器、花朵等作為題材和符號的隱喻;二是借用歐洲十七世紀文人學者喜以盒子收藏個人的文化玩物的Wunderkammer方式去收集、表現了具有中國傳統文人的價值趣味。」書內載有藝術家簡歷。
Artist biography is provided in the catalogue.
本圖錄展示了趙汝賢於2006年在何香凝美術館舉辦個展的作品。她採用全球迄今僅有十部的寶麗萊即影即有相機,以20 x 24吋的巨大底片拍攝出無比清晰、獨一無二的文玩珍品影像。此書的前言提到:「趙汝賢的攝影一是以中國傳統的金魚、玉器、花朵等作為題材和符號的隱喻;二是借用歐洲十七世紀文人學者喜以盒子收藏個人的文化玩物的Wunderkammer方式去收集、表現了具有中國傳統文人的價值趣味。」書內載有藝術家簡歷。
Access level
Location code
Chinese - Traditional, 
photography,  solo exhibition
Publication/Creation date
No of copies
Content type
artist monograph, 
Chapter headings
Patina of Time - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁
Carolins Chiu's Literati Wonder Box - Elaine W. NG, 伍穎瑜
Caroline Chiu - Moments for Eternity - Paul SERFATY
The Trace and the Invisible - Pamela KEMBER
Caroline Chiu: Dreaming: A Chinese Wunderkammer, 趙汝賢的多寶格
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