This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Cai Guo Qiang ― Flying Dragons in the Heavens’ at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebaek, Denmark in 1997. This exhibition consisted of several elements including decorations in the shape of a dragon placed on the roof of the Museum and drawings of his previous projects such as ‘Project for Extraterrestrials’, and installations such as ‘Mao’ and ‘Garden within a Garden’. The essay by Geremie Barme provides an informative introduction about the artist and his cultural background. A biography of the artist as well as a selected bibliography are also included.
performance art,  installation,  drawing,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
Introduction: Cai Guo Qiang -- Flying Dragon in the Heavens - Anneli FUCHS
Draco volans est in coelo -- Flying Dragon in the Sky - Geremie R. BARME, 白杰明
Cai Guoqiang: Flying Dragon in the Heavens

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