'An Open Rule: Blink Space, Drifting Presence' is a project about rule-making and rule-driven creativity that was initially conceived in commemoration of Joey Luk, a Hong Kong artist brutally murdered upon her return from an artist-in-residence program in Estonia via Moscow. Rather than a solo exhibition with the display of prepared art works honouring a single “artist,” the month-long event consisted of a series of organized acts of spatial manipulation. The activities included workshops, seminars, a video screening and tea-parties etc. The project aimed to explore the questions the late artist raised in her work. These issues include: (1) What is an art object? What is an art work? (2) A critical dialogue with display/exhibition practices; and (3) The demystification of the category of "the artist."
The catalogue comprises a collection of 36 loose folded-pages wrapped by a paper sleeve.
Event website
The catalogue comprises a collection of 36 loose folded-pages wrapped by a paper sleeve.
Event website
Access level
Location code
EX.HGK.OPR (Closed Stack)
Chinese - Traditional, 
video art,  curatorial practice,  group exhibition
Publication/Creation date
No of copies
Content type
An Open Rule: Blink Space, Drifting Presence, (打開規則) 集體延續創作藝術展:「這(個)那(個)」

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