Photograph and Note from Mario Perlingieri, Dated March 1946
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Photograph and Note from Mario Perlingieri, March 1946 (Set of 2 Photographs)

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Press Scrapbook (1948-1960)

1948 – 1960
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Women Artists and Art Students

Portrait of Zubeida Agha
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Portrait of Zubeida Agha

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Art Exhibition by Zubeida Agha, Trafford Galleries, London — Press Cuttings, Dated 23 October to 10 November 1951

Studying at L'Ecole des Beaux-Arts (Set of 2 Photographs)
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Studying at l'École des Beaux-Arts (Set of 2 Photographs)

1951 – 1952
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The Trafford Gallery Zubeida Agha Pakistan Painting

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Les Expositions — Zubeida Agha

Nov 1952
1952 Exhibition Opening of Galerie Henri Tronche, Paris (Set of 3 Photographs)
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1952 Exhibition Opening at Galerie Henri Tronche, Paris (Set of 3 Photographs)

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Clippings from the Bureau International de Documentation, Paris

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First Exhibition of Pakistani Painter in Paris — Zubeida Agha

Premiere Exposition a Paris du Peintre Pakistanais — Zubeida Agha
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Exhibition of Paintings by Zubeida Agha

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Press Information Department (Foreign Publicity Branch) — Zubeida Agha's Paintings

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The Art of Zubeida Agha

31 Mar 1957
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Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi — An Exhibition of Paintings by Zubeida Agha

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Asian Artists in Crystal : Exhibit Inaugurated

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Zubeida Agha

Jan 1960
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Zubeida Agha (Radio Talk)

Apr 1963
Zubeida Agha Receiving Pride of Performance Award
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Zubeida Agha Receiving Pride of Performance Award

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Six Paintings by Zubeida Agha

1969 – 1977