Maryn Varbanov and Zheng Shengtian
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Maryn Varbanov and Zheng Shengtian

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 圖片
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Students Painting from Model in Class
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Students Painting from Model in Class, mid 1980s

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 圖片
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Students Painting from Model in Class
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Students Painting

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 圖片
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Students Painting
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Students Painting

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 圖片
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Applications to the First Batch of Enrollment in Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts after the Cultural Revolution
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Teachers reviewing applications to admit to Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1977

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 圖片
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Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s
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Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 文件
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Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and its Teachers and Students in the 1980s
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Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and its Teachers and Students in the 1980s

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 文件
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Reopening of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1977 After the Cultural Revolution
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Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, early 1980s

Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案.Photographs: ZAFA and its Teachers & Students in the 1980s 照片: 八十年代的浙美及師生 1 圖片
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