Articles of this issue include:
1 newspaper clipping: ' New Wave' comes to West coast - A newspaper reportage features an exhibition entitled' 'I Don't Want to Play Cards with Cezanne' and Other Works: Selections From the Chinese ' New Wave' and ' Avant-Garde' Art of the '80s' (the first comprehensive U.S. exhibition of contemporary Chinese art).
1 newspaper clipping: ' Shock Culture' - A newspaper reportage features a performance by artists Gu Xiong and Henry Tsang.
CHEN Haiyan, 陳海燕,  CHEN Jianghong, 陳江洪,  DAI Hengyang, 戴恒揚,  GENG Jianyi, 耿建翌,  GU Xiong, 顧雄,  HE Duoling, 何多苓,  LEE Oufan Leo, 李歐梵,  LU Shengzhong, 呂勝中,  MAO Xuhui, 毛旭輝,  MENG Luding, 孟祿丁,  RUAN Jie, 阮杰,  TANG Qingnian, 唐慶年,  WANG Gongyi, 王公懿,  WANG Guangyi, 王廣義,  WEI Guangqing, 魏光慶,  XIAO Peicang, 蕭沛蒼,  XU Bing, 徐冰,  YE Yongqing, 葉永青,  YU Hong, 喻紅,  ZENG Xiaofeng, 曾曉峰,  ZHANG Peili, 張培力,  ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天,  ZHOU Changjiang, 周長江,  ZOU Jianping, 鄒建平
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Chinese Art Newsletter, Spring 1991, Vol. 3, 中國藝術通訊,1991年春季,第三期