Broadcast at the Same Time (Set of 12 Screenshots), 同時播出 (12張截圖)

Clips of news broadcasts of major TV channels around the world recorded at the same (local) time were collected from the Internet. The duration of each clip varies from 10 to 30 minutes with advertisements removed, but the news content remains untouched. The news clips were simultaneously displayed in the installation.
Please refer to Artistic Working Manual of Zhang Peili, Lingnan Meishu Chubanshe, Guangzhou, 2008, p 266 for more information.
Length of videos range from 10-30 minutes
Tong Shi Bo Chu (12 Zhang Jie Tu)
Video installation with 23 channels, 23 screens
artwork documentation
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Broadcast at the Same Time (Set of 12 Screenshots), 同時播出 (12張截圖)
