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"The Legend of the White Snake", A Mural Painting At Beijing Capital Airport

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Mural Painting 壁畫 1 文件
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"Tribe, Tribe" First Show

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.85 New Wave Art Movement 八五新潮 1 文件
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'85 Art Movement (First Draft)

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.85 New Wave Art Movement 八五新潮 1 文件
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A Burgeoning Art

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Mural Painting 壁畫 1 文件
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A Generation of Groundbreakers — Manuscript

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Mural Painting 壁畫 1 文件
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A Series of Articles About the Works by Tang Xiaohe and Cheng Li

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Mural Painting 壁畫 1 文件
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A Talented Painter of Ethnic Minority Subjects

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Mural Painting 壁畫 1 文件
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About the Slides of the China/Avant-Garde Exhibition

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.1989 China/Avant-Garde Exhibition 中國現代藝術展 1 文件
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Art Information, No.1

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Beijing International Art Palace 北京國際藝苑 1 文件
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Art Information, No.2

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Beijing International Art Palace 北京國際藝苑 1 文件
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Art Information, No.3

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Beijing International Art Palace 北京國際藝苑 1 文件
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Art Information, No.31

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Beijing International Art Palace 北京國際藝苑 1 文件
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Art Information, No.32 and No.33

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Beijing International Art Palace 北京國際藝苑 1 文件
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Art Information, No.4 and No.5

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Beijing International Art Palace 北京國際藝苑 1 文件
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Articles about the "Chinese Nude Oils Exhibition" on Fine Arts in China Newspaper

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.1988 Chinese Nude Oils Exhibition 中國油畫人體藝術展 1 文件
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Back To Art Itself: The Significance of Tongdairen

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.The Contemporaries (Tongdairen) 同代人 1 文件
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Beijing Oil Painting Research Society — Leaflet

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Beijing Oil Painting Research Society 北京油畫研究會 1 文件
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Brief Introduction and Preface to the "Synthesis Picture Image Display of Zhuhai Special Economic Zone"

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.85 New Wave Art Movement 八五新潮 1 文件
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Brief Introduction to the "Walking Towards the Future" Painting Exhibition

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.85 New Wave Art Movement 八五新潮 1 文件
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Brief Introduction to the Design of "Joyful Tibetan New Year", the Main Mural Painting in the Tibetan Hall

Tao Yongbai Archive 陶詠白檔案.Mural Painting 壁畫 1 文件
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