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Treasure Our Cultural Heritage: Problems with the Two Municipal Councils

珍惜我們的文化遺產—— 兩市局經營毛病叢生
24 Feb 1995
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Acting on new impressions

27 Jul 1995
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It's Finally 1997

2 Jan 1997
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Another Case of Governmental Interference in the Art Sector

16 Jan 1997
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Vanished Without a Trace? Examining Three of the Urban Council's 5-Year Plans

無影無踪 銷聲匿跡?考掘市政局三個五年計劃
22 Mar 1997
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Civil Lawsuit Raises Further Concerns about HKADC Visual Art Committee's Funding Criteria

2 Apr 1997
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Motion Passed at UrbCo Meeting to Safeguard Freedom of Expression in Visual Arts

11 Jun 1997
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Reflections on Cultural Programmes by the Handover

11 Jul 1997
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Cultural Venues Lack Planning - How Should the $2B Budget be Spent?

你起我又起 場館欠規劃 二十億「文化錢」如何花費?
7 Aug 1997
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*New, Unconsulted Individual Nomination Exercise of HKADC Representatives of Arts Interests; Voter Registration in Ten Days

8 Aug 1997
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Art Developemnt Programme by Regional Council to Launch Next Year

8 Oct 1997
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Secretary Proposes Centralised Cultural Agency and Review of Roles of the Municipal Councils and the ADC

統一推行文化政策有望 兩市局、藝展局角色檢討
17 Oct 1997
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Cultural Policies at the Turn of the Century: How a Commander Works with no Soilders

23 Oct 1997
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Orienting the culture of Hong Kong?

28 Oct 1997
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Functional Constituency Voter Registration for the 1st HKSAR Legislative Council Election

香港特別行政區 第一屆立法會選舉 功能組別選民登記
1 Dec 1997
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ADC in the Year of the Tiger: Proactive Moves on a Limited Scale

14 Jan 1998
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Worries, not objections

8 Nov 2000
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Fabulous Until the End

14 Aug 2008
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Novel Funeral Attire: Sending the Departed Off in Style

14 Aug 2008
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AICA Conference on Hong Kong Art and Criticism In Transition: Complicated Agenda and a Lack of Common Vocabularies

過渡期中的香港藝術及其評論 會議議題繁複欠共通語言