Notes on Caspar David Friedrich (Work in Progress)

Roberto Chabet's Notes on Caspar David Friedrich during installation, exhibited under the same title at Finale Art Gallery, SM Megamall, 23 May - 4 June 2000.

Excerpt from the press release written by Chabet:
'The work alludes to Caspar David Friedrich, the early 19th-century German Romantic artist whose work mirrored the faith, hope and anxieties of that century. The work is a three-part painting incorporating various objects such as boxes filled with sand and scraps from Yoli Laudico's earlier crates, a clipboard with a photograph of Friedrich's 'Mountain Landscape with Rainbow', a parachute, and a long arc of neon light.

Chabet suggests parallels with our own millennial turnover. With an ironic eye he sees the submerged romanticism in neon and the castaway objects of modern life - our own celestial light, our own bare ruined choirs.'

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Plywood, acrylic, parachute, box framed sand


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artwork documentation

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Notes on Caspar David Friedrich (Work in Progress)