Photograph of Roberto Chabet's Untitled ball pen drawing, from the series '300 Drawings', created in 1999. The series was exhibited at 'Big Sky Mind' in October 1999.
From the exhibition notes written by Roberto Chabet:
'Lines on Drawing
Drawing is a dot.
Drawing is another dot.
Drawing is one dot drawn to the other.
Drawing is a dot, a dash.
Drawing is a line.
Drawing is distance, measure.
Drawing delineates, demarcates, delimits.
Drawing is a line closing, enclosing,
Drawing is a line disclosing shapes.
Drawing shapes spaces, spaces, shapes.
Drawing is interval, gaps.
Drawing is time.
Drawing is space between the shapes of now, and of then, and of when.
Drawing is a moment, and another moment, and other moments.
Drawing is a constellation of moments,
Circular, elliptical, spiralling,
Concentric, eccentric,
Random, haphazard, accidental.
Drawing is interval, gaps.
Drawing crosses over, falls into, fills gaps.
Drawing skips, shifts, slips, slides, slithers.
Drawing figures, is figured.
Drawing pulls, pushes, tugs, drags.
Drawing is friction, gravity.
Earth draws, is drawn, draws maps.
Sun draws, draws shadows, photos.
Moon draws tides.
Stars draw mishaps, draw dreams, night creatures,
Crabs, goat, scorpions, twins, virgins.
Drawing feels, touches.
Fingers draw.
Hand draws.
The eyes draws,
Draws the hand to draw.
The mind draws,
Draws the eye
To draw the hand
To draw the mind
To draw.
Drawing traces,
Erases gaps between hand, eye, mind.
Drawing thinks, thinks drawing.
Drawing is a word,
Written is drawn,
Is drawing,
Spoken utters.
Drawing is verb.
Drawing sits, lies, stands still, walks,
Contemplating, meditating, unthinking
Sitting, lying, standing still, walking.
Drawing is pulse.
Drawing is breath.
Drawing is breath drawn.
Drawing is breath withdrawn.
Drawing is breath redrawn.
Drawing is change.
Drawing is chance.
Drawing folds,
Drawing enfolds,
Drawing, like an exquisite corpse,
- R.C.'
drawing,  conceptualism
Ballpen on paper
28cm x 21.5cm
artwork documentation
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