How To Make A Rainbow 1 (Detail)

Photograph of a detail of one of the works in Roberto Chabet's How To Make A Rainbow from the exhibition, 'He Couldn't Draw Hands,' at The Brix Gallery from 27 November - 18 December 1990.

How To Make A Rainbow is a four-part series of works that refer to Joseph Cornell's 1963 - 1965 collage with the same title. One of the works is a black pyramid onto which a box frame with broken alarm clock parts is attached to a piece of plywood with metal brackets. The work pays tribute to what is 'magical, transcendent, and ineffable in the commonplace.'

The title of the exhibition, 'He Couldn't Draw Hands,' refers to a comment made about the work of Marcel Duchamp - 'He couldn't draw hands, but he can sure draw blood in his work.'

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Plywood, acrylic, metal brackets, box-framed broken alarm clock parts


Dimensions variable

Content type

artwork documentation

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How To Make A Rainbow 1 (Detail)