Ratan Parimoo 檔案
Documents of Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S. University, Baroda

1 文件
Circular from Hindi Sahitya Samiti, Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 8 October 1952
1 圖片
Group Photograph of University Students' Representative Council, M.S. University of Baroda, 1955-56
1 圖片
Group Photograph of G.R. Santosh, Ratan Parimoo, Indu Patwa, Naina Dalal, Harbhajan Sandhu, Praful Dave and Triloke Kaul
1 文件
Official Document on New Post of Temporary Lecturer in Art History Department, 14 July 1959
1 文件
Official Letter of Appointment of Gulammohammed Sheikh as Substitute Tutor of Art History, 25 August 1960
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Letter from The Registrar, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda to Ratan Parimoo, 28 February 1962
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Letter of Appointment of Ratan Parimoo as Reader in History of Art and Aesthetics, 22 December 1965
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Letter from Sd. K.A. Amin to Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts in Baroda, 22 February 1966
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Letter of Appointment of Ratan Parimoo as the Head of Department of Art History and Aesthetics, 3 March 1966
1 文件