Witches Stuff
An object art exhibition by Fine Arts students from Silpakorn University, Chulalongkorn Univesity and Bangkok University. Works included painting, sculpture, mixed media, performance and more.
Montien Boonma, the Curator's note from February 1998:
"Since the rise of industrial revolution, man's creation has been evolved gradually. They created and invented new things from machines. The discovery of color and light in nature caused the new aspects of science in physics, which led man to discover atom and computer. From the imagination of man in the prehistory to renaissance period, man dreamt and fabricated various kinds of things. Man related to the unseen form, which drove, from his own imagination and from his own fantasy. Man created and destroyed simultaneously. Evidently, we could not deny that we lived in the world of mass production. Consumption society in today's world engenders man to depend on developing production in order to serve his own needs. In the art world, since Picasso incorporate paper in his painting and create a new style; collage. Everyday objects play an important role and became an art object. This finally led to the idea of 'readymade' by Marcell Duchamp. Object in art form that we call 'readymade' still play a significant role from that period to now.This exhibition aims to be a showcase of collective works by art students from three art schools who concentrate on the idea of a so-called readymade. The characteristic of their works might not derived directly from an original concept of Duchamp, but they related to his concept in a new manner. We could not define their works as painting, sculpture or even installation. However, they are forms, which are composed of objects, their individual concept and personal influences. Works are not aimed to focus on the Excellency of their artistic production. But the process of their works is interesting as they function as a catalyst that spark their artistic expression for the next generation. The generation that see today's object in the world they live in with their own time and spaces".
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