Oscar Ho Hing Kay Archive 何慶基檔案
The Book as an Object D'Art 書籍 / 藝術品

2 圖片
'Faucet', 'Realm of Science' in 5 Volumes, Faucet, Jet of Water Made of Paper, Contents of Ceramic Bowl are Paper Ashes. Book Mounted at Height of 42 cm, Helmut Löhr
「水龍頭」,五冊 《科學的領域》,水龍頭,紙製的自來水,陶碗,紙屑。高:42 厘米,哈穆・羅亞
4 圖片
'Musical Book', Fine Steel, Wood, Violin Box, Steel Strings, Drumstick, 130 x 60 x 100 cm, Ursula Haupenthal
「發出音樂的書」,精鋼,木,小提琴弓,鋼線,鼓棒,130 x 60 x 100 厘米,尤索拉・侯本達
2 圖片
Model, Wood, Aluminum, Perforated Pattern, 20 x 70 x 43 cm, Manfred Ott
模型,木,鋁,針孔圖案,20 x 70 x 43 厘米,文鬥特・奧治
2 圖片
Rack with 12 Book Objects, Welded Fine Steel, Some Elements Polished and Painted in Color, 230 x 30 x 15 cm, Botond
書架,精鋼,部份經打磨及塗上顏色,230 x 30 x 15 厘米,布唐
2 圖片
The Book as an Objet d'Art—'Beethoven, Score of the Pastoral Symphony', Belgian Fossil Marble, 60 x 40 x 35cm, Kubach-Wilmsen-Team
「貝多芬田園交響曲樂譜」,比利時大理石代石,60x 40 x 35 厘米,顧巴—韋辛—組合
2 圖片
The Book as an Objet d'Art—'Book with Two Eyes', Book, 2 Glass Eyes, Script, White Zinc, 16.5 x 25 x 3.2cm, Hubertus Gojowczyk
「有一雙眼睛的書」,書,琉璃眼球,字稿,白鋅,16.5 x 25 x 3.2 厘米,曉伯德斯・高祖域克
8 圖片
The Book as an Objet d'Art—'Object L 250', Welded Iron, H: 246cm W: 93cm x 4 D: Variable, Wulf Kirschner
「L 250 物體」,鐵,高:246 厘米 濶:93 厘米 x 4 深:不定,渥爾夫・基斯納
2 圖片
The Book as an Objet d'Art—'TV', Lead, Wood, Nails, 28 x 20.5 x 3.5 cm, Thomas Virnich
「電視」,鉛,木,釘,28 x 20.5 x 3.5 厘米, 湯馬士・維湼克
7 圖片
The Book as an Objet d'Art—German Dictionary, Book with Torn Pages, 53 x 39 x 16 cm, Oskar Holweck
德文字典,書,撕破的書頁,53 x 39 x 16 厘米,奧斯卡・荷域
2 圖片