Oscar Ho Hing Kay Archive 何慶基檔案
Cries and Whispers: Exhibition of British Paintings in the 1980s 吶喊與細訴:八十年代英國繪畫展

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Andrew Stahl, 'Bird and Fountain', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 152.5 x 121.9cm
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Andrzej Jackowsi, 'Tower of Copernicus', 1983, Oil on Canvas, 147.5 x 132cm
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Graham Durward, 'America, Does It Exist?', 1985, Oil on Canvas, 183.5 x 168cm
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Jock McFadyen, 'Even Dwarves...', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 198.2 x 134.5cm
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Mickey Donnelly, 'Connolly's Hat with Lilies', 1987, Oil on Canvas, 152.4 x 152.4cm
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Stephen Farthing, 'Traditional Cover', 1985, Oil and Wax on Canvas, 123 x 107cm
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Terry Atkinson, 'Art for the Bunker 7: Bunker in Armagh 11: Ancient Gaelic Ghost After Completing a Tour of Duty Passing Through an Ideological Decontamination Shower Before Going Off Duty...', 1985, Pastel and Conte on Paper, 120 x 107.5cm
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Tony Bevan, 'Tender Possessions', 1986, Charcoal and Pigment on Canvas, 210.5 x 119.5cm
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