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Flowers Too Formal to Bloom

5 Jan 1989
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A Second Chance At Hanart 2

11 Jan 1989
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Palmer Pieces A Highlight Of Christie's Sale

11 Jan 1989
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A Journey Into Hong Kong's Past

18 Jan 1989
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Paintings The State Hates

19 Jan 1989
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Colourful Chen Goes Over Familiar Landscaped Ground

23 Jan 1989
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Pictures Fail To Make An Impact

23 Jan 1989
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Artists With Contrasting Styles

25 Jan 1989
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Memories of Festive Days

25 Jan 1989
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Beijing Display Scaled Down

2 Feb 1989
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Formality Out of Step With Modern Taste

4 Feb 1989
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Bauhaus Concept Missed by Asia

8 Feb 1989
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Bauhaus Partner A Worthy Effort

17 Feb 1989
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Carving A Niche

20 Feb 1989
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A Salute To Architecture

21 Feb 1989
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Chinese Artists Make Their Mark

23 Feb 1989
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Lilliputian Sculptures Make a Big Impact

1 Mar 1989
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Chinnery Dominates Show

2 Mar 1989
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An Exhibition with a Strange Mixture

7 Mar 1989
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Chinese Sculptor At His Best With Japanese Style

8 Mar 1989