Photographs 照片
The 1st New Concrete Image Event: Painting Exhibition (Shanghai) (Set of 9 Photographs), 第一屆新具象畫展 (上海) (9張照片)

The first photograph in the album is a group photo of (from left to right) Mao Xuhui (毛旭輝), Pan Dehai (潘德海), Zhang Long (張隆), Xu Kan (徐侃), Liu Tiejun (劉鐵君).
Access level
MAO Xuhui, 毛旭輝,  PAN Dehai, 潘德海,  XU Kan, 徐侃,  ZHANG Long, 張隆
Content type
event photograph/recording
Rights statement
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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.
The 1st New Concrete Image Event: Painting Exhibition (Shanghai) (Set of 9 Photographs), 第一屆新具象畫展 (上海) (9張照片)
