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Shield and Armor — Exhibition Opening (Set of 7 Photographs)

Manila Artist-Run Spaces 馬尼拉藝術家空間檔案.Shield and Armor 7 圖片
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Work by Arin Runjang (Set of 2 Photographs)

Manila Artist-Run Spaces 馬尼拉藝術家空間檔案.Shield and Armor 2 圖片
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Work by At Maculangan (Set of 4 Photographs)

Manila Artist-Run Spaces 馬尼拉藝術家空間檔案.Shield and Armor 4 圖片
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Work by Nipan Oranniwesna (Set of 3 Photographs)

Manila Artist-Run Spaces 馬尼拉藝術家空間檔案.Shield and Armor 3 圖片
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