On the Aesthetics of Abstraction in Classical Chinese Paintings — Some New Observations on the History of Ancient Chinese Paintings, 試論中國古典繪畫的抽象審美意識——對於中國古代繪畫史的幾點新探索

As editor of a special feature on abstraction in Meishu magazine (1983, Issue 1), Li Xianting included essays about the meaning and value of abstraction alongside images of various recent works of abstraction. This special feature played a significant role in starting discussions about this delicate topic.
HE Xin, 何新,  LI Xianting, 栗憲庭
Chinese - Simplified
abstraction,  aesthetics
Meishu , 美術, 1983, Issue 1
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On the Aesthetics of Abstraction in Classical Chinese Paintings — Some New Observations on the History of Ancient Chinese Paintings, 試論中國古典繪畫的抽象審美意識——對於中國古代繪畫史的幾點新探索
