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The 'Village Project' was initiated in December 1992 by more than 20 artists, photographers, and writers based in Shanxi Province, China. Members of the group include Song Yongping, Wang Yazhong, Liu Chun, Wang Chunsheng, Zhou Yi, Shen Guanqun, Han Fei, Chang Qing, Zhang Guotian, Fan Xiaoli, Li Shaoping, Yao Chaocheng, Li Chen, Tang Jin, Li Jianwei, Hao Zhidong, Jiao Zuyao, among others. From January to August 1993, the group conducted fieldwork at various locations along the Yellow River within Shanxi Province, and produced site-specific works there.

In August 1993, the result of the project were presented in various exhibitions held in Beijing. 



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Li Xianting at the Event 'Village Project 1993', 栗憲庭,在《鄉村計劃1993》項目現場