Artist Talk by Chia Chuyia: A Thread of Red Between Us — Flyer
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A Thread of Red Between Us: An Artist Talk by Chuyia Chia — Flyer

12 Feb 2014
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1 視聽資料

Chuyia Chia: A Thread of Red Between Us (Edited Video Documentation)

12 Feb 2014
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1 視聽資料

Chuyia Chia: A Thread of Red Between Us (Unedited Video Documentation)

12 Feb 2014
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1 視聽資料

Something Human: Movement Across Borders

18 May 2014
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Elia Nurvista and Syafiatudina: The Production of Food Is the Production of Stories

26 Jul 2014
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1 圖片

Artist Talk: 'Code in the Micro' by Jacquelyn Soo — Flyer

20 Sep 2014
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4 圖片

Code in the Micro (Set of 4 Photographs)

20 Sep 2014
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45 圖片

Code in the Micro: Artist Talk by Jacquelyn Soo (Set of 45 Photographs)

20 Sep 2014
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1 視聽資料

Code in the Micro: Artist Talk by Jacquelyn Soo (Unedited Video Documentation)

20 Sep 2014
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3 視聽資料

Code in the Micro: Artist Talk by Jacquelyn Soo — Audio Recordings

20 Sep 2014
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1 圖片

Being Behold: Notes on Recent Projects — Flyer

7 Oct 2014
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Loo Zihan: Being Behold: Notes on Recent Projects

7 Oct 2014
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9 圖片

Loo Zihan: Being Behold: Notes on Recent Projects (Set of 9 Photographs)

7 Oct 2014
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Sumugan Sivanesan: Honey Exchange

7 Oct 2014
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Shawn Chua: Becoming-Vegetal, Becoming-Inorganic, Becoming-You

16 Dec 2014
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2000 Dreams, 2000 Paths of Art-Performance Making

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Artist Talk by Waldemar Tatarczuk — Audio Recording

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1 文件

Artist Talk: 2000Dreams, 2000 Paths of Art-Performance Making | Workshop: Mind-Body Awareness Performance — Flyer

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6 圖片

Attack of the Robot Duck, The Electric Condom Company, How to Be a Firefly and Other Stories (Set of 6 Photographs)

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131 圖片

Daisuke Takeya: Field Trip Project Asia — Presentation Slides (Set of 131 Images)