Lee Wen Archive 李文檔案
1994 Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka

1 文件
18 Oct 1994
Beyond the Boundaries of Painting and Sculpture, Unique from the West
絵画・彫刻の枠越え西洋にない独自性18 Oct 1994

1 視聽資料
Journey of a Yellow Man No. 5: Index to Freedom - Workshop of 4th Asian Art Show, Fukuoka (Day 1)
1 視聽資料
Journey of a Yellow Man No. 5: Index to Freedom - Workshop of 4th Asian Art Show, Fukuoka (Day 2)
1 視聽資料
Journey of a Yellow Man No. 5: Index to Freedom - Workshop of 4th Asian Art Show, Fukuoka (Day 3)
1 視聽資料
Journey of a Yellow Man No. 5: Index to Freedom - Workshop of 4th Asian Art Show, Fukuoka (Day 4)
1 視聽資料
Journey of a Yellow Man No. 5: Index to Freedom - Workshop of 4th Asian Art Show, Fukuoka (Day 5)
1 文件
Journey of a Yellow Man No. 5: Index to Freedom — Artist Statement
イエローマンの旅 No.5: 自由への指標1994

1 視聽資料