Joan Lebold Cohen 柯瓊樂檔案
25 Regional Art: Beijing, Wuhan

10 圖片
Beijing Beihai Park Welcome Spring Exhibition; Sketching Outdoors at Yuan Ming Yuan (Set of 10 Photographs)
16 圖片
Beijing Central Academy of Arts and Crafts - Students Painting from Live Models Life and Building Exterior (Set of 16 Photographs)
12 圖片
CAFA Exterior, Student Dormitory, and Exhibition (Set of 12 Photographs)
1979 – 1982
6 圖片
Officials from the National Palace Museum and Chinese Exhibition Agency (Set of 6 Photographs)
1979 – 1980
9 圖片
Temple of Confucius (Beijing Municipal Museum) and Beijing Military Museum (Set of 9 Photographs)
1982 – 1989
8 圖片