HXP 01117A
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Youth! Youth! Contemporary Art Experimental Course + The 5th Studio of Painting Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art · Archives 2004-2005

郁!郁!廣州美術學院 當代藝術實驗課程 + 油畫系第五工作室 檔案 2004-2005
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Paak To: Photography Course Archive of the 5th Studio of Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

HXP 01118
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1 文件

Youth! Youth! An Unofficial Academic Archive 2005-2007

郁!郁!廣州美術學院 油畫系第五工作室 + 當代藝術實驗課程 一個非官方的學院檔案 2005-2007
HXP 01116A
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Not in Fashion: The 5th Studio (Contemporary Art Practice Studio) of Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

不合時尚: 廣州美術學院油畫系第五工作室(當代藝術實驗工作室)
Apr 2011