2017 教學相長——第三屆學院實驗藝術文獻展 Reciprocal Enlightenment: The 3rd Academic Experimental Art Documentary Exhibition
Thrive like Rising Wind and Water: The 1st Jun'an Experimental Art Education Award (Exhibition View), 後來你風生水起——首屆「俊安實驗藝術教育獎」暨全國實驗藝術專業優秀畢業作品展(展覽現場)

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Publication/Creation date
14 Jan 2017
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event photograph/recording
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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.
Thrive like Rising Wind and Water: The 1st Jun'an Experimental Art Education Award (Exhibition View), 後來你風生水起——首屆「俊安實驗藝術教育獎」暨全國實驗藝術專業優秀畢業作品展(展覽現場)
