Group Exhibition of Ho Chat Yuen, Rong Shushi, and Ye Shaobing — Invitation, 何漆園、容漱石、葉少秉合作畫展會 — 邀請函

Invitation to the 'Group Exhibition of Ho Chat Yuen, Rong Shushi, and Ye Shaobing', held at the Sheng Si Hotel Gallery, Queen's Road Central , Hong Kong, in 1948.
Selected by Wong Kum as material shared for Hong Kong Art History Research Project — Phrase II in 2015.
HO Chatyuen, 何漆園,  RONG Shushi, 容漱石,  YE Shaobing, 葉少秉
Chinese - Traditional
Group Exhibition of Ho Chat Yuen, Rong Shushi, and Ye Shaobing — Invitation, 何漆園、容漱石、葉少秉合作畫展會 — 邀請函
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Group Exhibition of Ho Chat Yuen, Rong Shushi, and Ye Shaobing — Invitation, 何漆園、容漱石、葉少秉合作畫展會 — 邀請函
