This interview is part of the Hong Kong Art History Research - Pilot Project, a collaboration between Asia Art Archive and Hong Kong Museum of Art. It was conducted at Sandra Walters' office on 19 June 2013.
Sandra Walters (b. 1944, Sanborn, Minnesota, U.S.A.)
After moving to Hong Kong in 1969, Walters opened Arts Promotion in 1973, which as a gallery showed predominantly French lithographs and art by artists in Hong Kong. Throughout its operation (1973-1984) Arts Promotion held exhibitions in various sites and collaborated with various parties, ranging from private homes to the Excelsior Hotel, the artist-run Quorum Gallery, the French bank Societi Generale, and the City Hall Museum and Art Gallery.
In this interview, Walters shares her experience of the nascent art market of 1970s Hong Kong. Walters also reminiscences about her experience of setting up an exhibition at City Hall in 1974, her encounters with different viewing publics, and her perspective of the development of art writing in English.
Walters lives and works between Hong Kong and Paris.
Michelle Wong is a researcher at Asia Art Archive. Wong received an MA in art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, United Kingdom. Her research interests include mapping, magazines, and the sound medium.
此訪談為 香港藝術史研究 ─ 先導項目的一部分。訪談於2013年6月19日在華圖斯辦公室進行。
1969年移居香港,1973年創辦Arts Promotion畫廊並一直營運至1984年。期間主要買賣法國版畫和香港藝術家的作品,並曾於私人住宅、怡東酒店、由藝術家經營的閣林畫廊、中環法國興業銀行以及大會堂等場地舉辦展覽。
黃湲婷 為亞洲藝術文獻庫研究員。於英國倫敦考陶德藝術學院藝術史系碩士畢業。研究興趣包括地圖勾勒,雜誌期刊以及聲音媒體。
Hua Tu Si Fang Tan
interview documentation,
event photograph/recording
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