The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Extramural Studies 66-67 — Course Catalogue, 中文大學校外進修課程 66-67 — 課程目錄

Course catalogue of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Department of Extramural Studies, for the year 1966-67.
Includes index and and details of each course.
CHOW Susing Johnson, 周士心,  Zongkan LI, 李宗侃,  LUI Shou-kwan, 呂壽琨,  SHAW Lisheng, 蕭立聲,  Wucius WONG, 王無邪,  Keduan ZENG, 曾克耑,  ZHANG Bihan, 張碧寒
Chinese - Traditional, 
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Extramural Studies 66-67 — Course Catalogue, 中文大學校外進修課程 66-67 — 課程目錄
