Art Now Hong Kong — Poster
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Art Now Hong Kong — Poster

今日香港藝術 — 海報
Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1972 — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)
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Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1972 — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)

一九七二年當代香港藝術 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
Contemporary Hong Kong Art — Poster
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Contemporary Hong Kong Art — Poster

當代香港藝術 — 海報
Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (April 1972)
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Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (April 1972)

香港博物美術館每月通訊 (一九七二年四月)
Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (February 1972)
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Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (February 1972)

香港博物美術館每月通訊 (一九七二年二月)
Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (July/August 1972)
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Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (July/August 1972)

香港博物美術館每月通訊 (一九七二年七月/八月)
Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (June 1972)
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Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (June 1972)

香港博物美術館每月通訊 (一九七二年六月)
Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (May 1972)
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Hong Kong City Museum & Art Gallery Newsletter (May 1972)

香港博物美術館每月通訊 (一九七二年五月)
The 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Opening of the City Hall — Invitation
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The 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Opening of the City Hall — Invitation

大會堂十週年慶典活動 — 邀請函