Excerpt of the exhibition catalogue containing a list of exhibits from participating artists of 'The Circle Group: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture' in 1968.
The list contains the title, size, and material of each work in both Chinese and English.
The Circle Art Group: Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, Prints, and Sculpture — List of Works; 中元畫會繪畫、素描、版畫、雕塑展覽 — 作品清單
CHEUNG Yee, 張義,  CHUI Yungsang Paul, 徐榕生,  HON Chi-fun, 韓志勳,  KING Chialun, 金嘉倫,  KUO Venchi, 郭文基,  VAN Lau, 文樓,  Wucius WONG, 王無邪,  Jackson YU, 尤紹曾
Chinese - Traditional, 
The Circle Group: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture — List of Works, 中元畫會繪畫雕塑展 — 作品清單
檔案大小: 924 KB 檢視完整文件What does this mean?
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The Circle Group: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture — List of Works, 中元畫會繪畫雕塑展 — 作品清單
