Third issue of New Currents, magazine published by the Modern Literature and Art Association Hong Kong from 1959-1960 (6 issues in total). This issue includes an application to the 1st International Salon of Paintings, which took place from 19-23 April, 1960, at the St. John's Cathedral.
人類文化思想之轉機/崑南 | (The Opportunity for Change in Cultural Thinking in Humanity)/SHUM Qunnan
賦格(長詩)/葉維廉 | (Fugue (A long poem))/YIP Wai Lim
文學獎金概況/葉冬 譯 | (A Summary of Literary Scholarships)/ translated by YE Dong
S. 卡西摩度詩兩首/谷之 譯 | (Two Poems by S. Quasimodo)/translated by Gu Zhi
最新法國詩選錄/伍希雅 譯 | (A Selection of the Newest French Poems)/translated by Wucius
普魯克魯斯蒂安的床 (精選短篇)/沙內沙 | (A Short Story by Sha Nei Sha)
現代文學美術協會主辦 第一屆香港國際繪畫沙龍 參加表格 | (Entry orm to The 1st Hong Kong International Salon of Paintings, sponsored by the Modern Literature and Art Association, Hong Kong)
Gu Zhi, 谷之,  Sha Nei Sha, 沙內沙,  Quanan SHUM, 岑崑南,  Wucius WONG, 王無邪,  Wailim YIP, 葉維廉
Chinese - Traditional
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New Currents (Issue 3), 新思潮(第三期)
