First issue of New Currents, magazine published by the Modern Literature and Art Association Hong Kong from 1959-1960 (6 issues in total).
布達拉宮的火焰/一羚 | (The Flames in Potala Palace)/Yi Ling
創刊詞 | (First Words of a Publication)
建立文化真正的力量/崑南 | (Building the True Strength of Culture)/SHUM Qunnan
香港青年之苦悶結癥及其解決之道/葉冬 | (The Symptoms and Solutions to Boredom in Hong Kong Youth)/YE Dong
繪畫之傳統與現代精神/伍希雅 | (The Tradition and Modern Spirits in Painting)/Wucius
世界文化鳥瞰 | (A Bird's Eye View of World Cultures)
號角 - 摘錄自本協會會訊 | (Clarion - a selected transcription from the association's newsletter)
Quanan SHUM, 岑崑南,  Wucius WONG, 王無邪,  Yi Ling, 一羚
Chinese - Traditional
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New Currents (Issue 1), 新思潮(第一期)
