HVD 58849
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1 圖片

Shan Lan

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1 文件

Signed Agreement between Zhao Bandi and Collector Zhao Huiqun

14 Feb 1992
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Letter Written by Zhao Bandi, 26 April 1992

26 Apr 1992
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Receipt for the Fax Regarding the Insurance for the Exhibition 'China Avantgarde'

10 Aug 1992
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Receipt for the Fax Regarding the Insurance Policy for the Exhibition 'China Avantgarde'

11 Aug 1992
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Document Related to the Certification of a Letter of Authorisation

9 Sep 1992
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Letter by Wolfger Pohlmann Regarding the Letter of Authorisation for the Exhibition 'China Avantgarde'

Wolfger Pohlmann 關於 《中國前衛藝術》展覽代理書的來信
14 Sep 1992
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Letter from Hans van Dijk to Zhao Huiqun, 17 September 1992

17 Sep 1992
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Receipt for the Fax from Hans van Dijk to Zhao Huiqun Regarding Painting Contract

17 Sep 1992
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Receipt for a Fax from Hans van Dijk to Wu Lijian

18 Sep 1992
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Receipt for the Fax from Hans van Dijk to Misha Raab to the Attention of Zhao Bandi

戴漢志致Misha Raab並由趙半狄代收的傳真的收據
18 Sep 1992
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Letter from Zhao Bandi to Hans van Dijk, 19 October 1992

趙半狄致戴漢志的信, 1992年十月19日
19 Oct 1992
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Letter from Zhao Bandi to Wolfger Pohlmann, Jochen Noth, Hans van Dijk, and Andreas Schmid

趙半狄致 Wolfger Pohlmann、岳恒、戴漢志及施岸笛的信
17 Dec 1992
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Basic Biographical Notes on Zhao Bandi

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Documents and Correspondence Related to Letter of Authorisation, Shipping, and Insurance Matters for the Exhibition 'China Avantgarde'

HVD 57168
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7 圖片

Young Zhang

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Hanmo Art News

16 Nov 1993
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Zhao Bandi's Biography Pages for the 'China Avantgarde' Exhibition Catalogue

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Revealing True Feelings — Installation Artworks by Painter Zhao Bandi

30 Apr 1994
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News Clipping Regarding Panda Ming Ming

25 Jun 1994